Internet :: e-commerce :: bank transactions
Using your credit card or banking information across the Internet is something
a growing number of people do in this day of e-commerce and online shopping.
To keep your e-commerce platform and your information as safe as possible,
Dynamic Digital Advertising offers authorized bank transactions as an e-commerce
Internet service. This aids online shopping security in ensuring the charges
made on credit cards are accurate. Authorized bank transactions work to keep
your personal information safe.
To keep online security stringent, authorized bank transactions involve third party verification companies that specialize in banking and credit card authentication. Once a charge is submitted via the Internet to an e-commerce company, it is electronically given to the verification company to authenticate. Checking for things such as matching names, addresses and telephone numbers, they can determine if the transaction has been made by the owner of the card. If the charge is accurate it is then submitted to the proper banks to deposit the money into the correct accounts. If the charge is determined to be false, the website is notified as well as the card owner.
With online shopping security a major concern, Dynamic Digital Advertising
works hard to create the most secure e-commerce
sites possible. With available security certificates and authorized bank transaction
services, sites developed by DDA can be not only eye-catching and easy to
use but safe and secure. Lead your company into the 21st century of online
security with e-commerce solutions from Dynamic Digital Advertising.